in this post, we'll explain a bit about making bloggroll with marque effect, because it may be with many links or banner that is placed in a blog if not summarized it will overcrowd our blog pages, and therefore we inigin explain a bit how to create a blogroll with effects of the marque. for example like my blogroll have the side bar on the right, now this is how to make it:
- log into you blogspot.
- click into the page design elements
- then add the gadget and select HTML / Java script
- Copy the code below into the HTML / Java script
- click SAVE
<MARQUEE Align="center" height="80" direction="left" scrollamount= "3" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="95%">
<a href=""> <img src="" /> </ a>
# Link2
# Link3
# Link ...
</ Marquee>
- Code in red is my link Benner.
- Code "left" it shows the direction of movement, you can replace it with down, left, right (if not clear, please ask via comments). - If you replace it with a vertical movement (up or down) then, add the code <br /> at the end of the link or banner that you install. - The number "80" indicates the height of box your blogroll. The more the number the higher the size of the blogroll.
- Number "3" indicates the speed of the marque, the larger the number, the faster movements.
- In writing " # link1, # Link2, and so on ..." replaced with a banner or link your friend.
I hope that this bit can help, good luck and thank you.
aku uda pasang banernya. semoga silaturahmi tetap terjalin terus, semoaga sukses.
salam dari blogger manado.
Haloo sobat, aku kembali lagi, gimana caranya supaya bannernya teman-teman seperti yang dibuat oleh sobat. tujuaanya untuk menghemat kolom widget aku.
tinggal copas aj gan codenya, itu gerakanya kesamping,jiaka ingin keatas ato bawah tinggal namabhin kode
diakhir link banner yang agan pasang...
tahanx for visiting..
saya sudah pasang banner nya,, tlg pasang balik y...
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