Privileges Fasting Mondays and Thursdays

Not many of us who know the true wisdom of fasting on Mondays and Thursdays in terms of spiritual, health and its primacy in the presence of God.
The main reason why fasting on Mondays and Thursdays disunahkan in Islam is due on the second day of fasting Rasulullahsering tersebut.Tapi, what virtue Monday and Thursday? In this connection there are two traditions dariRasulullah accordant with the election on Monday and Thursday.
The first, in the Hadith Reported by Ahmad mentioned that the Prophet said that all charities were spread on Mondays and Thursdays. Therefore, as believers, behold an angel good if at the time of our deeds reported that we are fasting.
The second, on Monday Thursday is a special day because on that day the Prophet was born, an apostle and a revelation (HR-Muslims).
So it appears here that on Monday and Thursday is a special day of religious side. In terms of logic, can be seen that on Monday and Thursday divide one 'week' into twosection which is almost equally. So obviously that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays has the function of maintenance or maintenance.
An analogy might be the same as the division of time to take medication when we are sick. Of course we remember, when we are sick, we are often told to take medication 2x a day, ie 1x 1x in the morning and at night. When viewed, the time when we were told to take medication 2x a day is more or less divide it into 3 equal parts. This applies also to the Monday and Thursday of one week split into two parts.
By fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, indirectly we do maintenance for us on a regular basis both in terms of spiritual and material.
Then, if the virtue of fasting and fasting on Mondays and Thursdays ongoing like this? The first virtue is that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays we train regularly to get away from the work of sin. If there is an effective exercise for 'anger management' or the exercise of patience, then that is fasting.
Therefore, cocoklah to say that fasting is the spirit of zakat, which at the time of fasting, we dispose of bad temperament. So after fasting, emotional and spiritual we become more clear.
''Everything there is zakat, zakat is the soul that is fasting. And fasting is half of patience''. (Narrated by Ibn Majah).
With the disappearance of our bad temper, at least twice a week, then it could also be said that''Fasting is a shield a person from the fort reply reply smoldering fire of hell.''} {HR.Ahmad and Bayhaqi.
The second virtue is that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays can improve our practice. Typically, someone who satiety and pleasantness tended lazy worship. Fasting makes us more productive in addition to worship because we are no longer in a position easement, the fasting person is also likely to want to worship extra. In addition, fasting can soften hearts. This is due to fasting, we tend to empathize with those less fortunate than us. Therefore, fasting bias makes us closer to God and more cautious.
It is not wrong if the Quran says that fasting was ordered to us and those who came before us so that we become pious (Al-Baqarah 183).
Apart from the advantages in terms of emotional spiritual as described above, fasting also has primacy in terms of health. It is no secret that today there are many research which concluded that regular fasting is good for health.
The health benefits of fasting is the most popular is the fast can be regarded as a powerful way to restrict calories into our bodies.
In Islam and the medical field, it is recommended not to eat too much, becauseExcess food and unhealthy bias cause disease. Look at the people inaffluent countries where food is abundant. In addition to high levels of obesity, people of these countries are many who have diabetes and heart disease in fact is often dubbed as the rich.
By fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, at least, in two times a week, we restrict the calories that enter our bodies.
Another benefit of fasting in terms of health are also widely popularized the cleansing and healing functions. By resting our digestive system during fasting, then allow the other systems in our body to work better, such as immune system. This is why people who are sick or injured animals like refusing to eat.
If we are not even sick, police immunity to work hard when we are fasting. IfThese cops detect things about the future can make us sick or thingsabnormal, such as the growth of cysts or tumors, then on the day we are fasting, they eliminate bias.
The body's detoxification systems also work more smoothly if we do not accept the intake again. Here,maybe we can imagine our body cleansing system such as employees whooverwhelmed by her task when the task comes a barrage.
Consequently, the function of cleansing the body is not functioning optimally and very likely missed eliminating some substances that are not good for our bodies. With the cessation of intake, then the task of cleansing our body system become more manageable so that its performance becomes more leverage.
The system also works with a maximum rejuvenation when we fast because God designed theour body to release the hormone that is closely related to anti-aging when we are fasting.
Because it is not surprising that in an experiment found that the worms arefasted 19 generations can live much longer than the worms that are not fasting.
If there is a powerful anti-aging medicine, that is fasting. It could be that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays on a regular basis will make us stay young and disease free in the old days.And what about the people who often complain of can not work because of hunger and weakness during fasting as in what clearly seen in Indonesia where the performance of people to be down while fasting? If this happens, it could be starving it is because we do not work well or poor concentration.
Clearly, fasting has no adverse effect on the brain and our thinking power. In fact, there have been studies that prove that fasting actually enhance our thinking power.
There are many other health benefits of fasting, as fasting can prevent or reduce vascular diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Clearly, when our Creatorwe require a minimum of once a year fasting during Ramadan, he knew that the fastgood for us.
Imagine the enormity of fasting when we can merutinkannya twice a week asexemplified by the Prophet. However, keep in mind, and underlined that all charities dependent intentions. If the intention of fasting we are only in terms of health, then that is what we can. But when our fast intent is to improve the quality of our spirituality and become closer to God then not only do we get a physical specimen, but also the blessing of God and the salvation of the worldthe hereafter.
As a Muslim, Allah's favor is located on top of everything. God loves those who fasted for God, so God promises a special gate in heaven for the likes of fasting, namely Ar-Rayyan (HR-Muslims).
Therefore, let us rutinkan sunnah fasts, such as fasting on Mondays and Thursdays in order to win the pleasure of Allahand one way to reach heaven allah swt. Insha Allah withRegular fasting, we not only reap the rewards in the hereafter, but we also benefited in the world of good health and clear thinking power


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